
whale watching Belmar Marina trip review
Great way to spend your weekend see the giants of the sea up close and personal with Jersey shore whale watch, rated the #1 whale watching tour in New Jersey call 732.451.6003

Jersey Shore Whale Watching Trip report Aug 11
Bill McKim : We had a another great trip on the boat, the boat is legal to hold 130 people We had about 80 people on the trip great crowd no one got seasick! The whale watching was great we tracked a very active feeding Humpback whale off the cast of Sandy Hook, its amazing to see the giants of the sea feeding so close to NYC. Here are a few photos from the trip. We now rent adult and kid's size binoculars, tshirts are for sale on the boat. The boat also sell some snacks and drink feel free to BYOB anything from beer, water, soda, wine what ever you want to bring. These are family friendly and safe trips join us soon buy online or call us at 732.451.6003. Whale watching at the Jersey shore from the Belmar Marina!

Great Sunday afternoon of whale watching July 28th report
We had about 60 people on the boat for a nice afternoon of whale watching aboard the Royal Miss Belmar.People really enjoyed see the very active two whales we saw breached and lunged feeding many time off the coast of Sea Bright NJ and the Atlantic Highlands

July 24 whale watching trip photos great trip

Humpback Whale Breaching Saturday June22 as seen from our boat
Humpback Whale Breaching Saturday June22 as seen from our boat, We do weekly whale watching trips from Belmar Marina join us !

We had an amazing Whale watching Season in New Jersey 2018
Here is a recap of our whale watching trips in 2018 along the Jersey coast line in Monmouth County NJ.
- We had 15 trips saw whales on 14 of the trips the whale watching was good time.
- We ran the trips from mid May 2018 to mid November 2018
- We will have more trips in 2019 starting in April.
- Pricing is based on demand and also the colder months We need to limit the people on board so everyone that want to go inside can in case they want
- Kids and college kids rates will be posted for the warmer trips when we have less expectation of needing the warm indoor cabin for everyone
- Please consider tipping the boat mate, he keeps the boat and bathrooms clean and is a great person.
- Some photos from our whale watching trips are here
- any questions call 732.451.6003
- 2019 dates are here
- Buy whale watching tickets here
- This can be a great fundraiser for your group call us 732.451.6003

Whale watching trip Belmar, Spring Lake and Manasquan beach photos 11/11/2018
Whale watching trip today was a great success! We saw whales close by in Belmar spring lake and Manasquan today! We have 25 people with us a great group and we saw whales lung feed and tail shots with the occasional fin. Humpback whales and 100's of fishing boats of all sizes today. The weather was great not too cold!