Snowy owl today at the beach updated, video added
So while we wait for winter to be over,so we can go whale watching. Here are a few Snowy Owl photos and videos I took this week.
The regal snowy owl is the largest owl in North America and when in New Jersey, is often seen perched high on the roof tops. In their native habitat, these owls feed primarily on small rodents the size of hamsters called lemmings. Here in New Jersey, they feed on prey like mice, rabbits, ducks and gulls.They are scanning the beach front looking for a meal.
Please stay 50 yards away at least as they are easily spoke and often tired from thier migration from the bitter cold Arctic winters! I see them about every 4 years so enjoy them while you can. I had a great day looking for a snowy owl, along the beach. A beautiful sunny Monday, searching for the snowy owl.
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